dijous, d’agost 20, 2009

Cap al GNOME 3: Capítol 3 - Comença el debat public

Un cop presentat l'objectiu, va començar el gran debat. Com seria GNOME 3? L'única cosa clara en aquell moment és que portaria GTK+ 3.0.

Once the objective was presented, the big debate started. How has to be GNOME 3? The only thing decided was that will use GTK+ 3.0.

Hi havia gent que pensava que només s'hauria de fer un trencament de compatibilitat de l'API per netejar-la i començar a implementar novetats a partir de versions futures. Altres pensaven que no es podia desaprofitar una oportunitat com aquesta per no fer res. I fins i tot altra gent que no estava d'acord en fer una nova major release.

Some people thought that only an API break without new features was the best. The new features will be introduced in next releases. Other people thought that new features had to be included. And other that a new release wasn't useful.

Aquest debat va durar uns mesos, fins que va arribar el GUIHackfest 2008 on es va veure el primer mockup del que ha de ser el projecte estrella del GNOME 3.

This debate was some months, until GUIHackfest 2008 arrived, where the first mockup of the main GNOME 3 project was showed.

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